The Making of Kenmore Design


Hey there! Today I’m going to take you on our journey from how we went from humble startup to established technology provider in the space of just a few short years.     My name is Alex and I’m the founder and CEO of Kenmore Design, a leader in Forex CRM and related web services … Continued

Forex CRM Software: What it is and How it is Helping Forex Brokers

All About Forex

The internet and software technologies have changed how we communicate, learn new things, do shopping, avail services, manage relationships, and generate revenue. When these two things have had such a tremendous impact on almost every aspect of our lives, how can forex trading be immune to them? Today, anyone can become a forex broker or … Continued

7 Essential Features To Look For In a Forex Trader’s Room

All About Forex

Forex trading has constantly been gaining dominance in the financial markets. Traders use Forex trader’s rooms to enhance their trading experience and ensure better returns. A b is basically a web-based portal that trading firms rely on to stand out in the market and leave their competition behind.  Here are the 7 essential features you … Continued

What You Should Know About the MiFID II


Every investor, broker or consultant who works in EU financial markets should review the MiFID regulations, specifically the newer MiFID II. This is the second EU Directive of its type – MiFID came into effect in 2007. Its main goals include harmonising EU member nations, broadening the scope of the regulations, protecting investors, and achieving transparency. What … Continued

Should You Offer Live Chat for Your Brokerage?

Customer Service

There are multiple reasons why you should offer live chat for your brokerage. At the moment, you’re not totally convinced to take this step, but that will change when you finish reading this article. You already have other ways of communication with your traders and IBs such as email, social networks, and your phone, so why should you … Continued

How to Build Your Brand From Scratch

All About Forex | Marketing

“Leading companies have the best branding strategy”. Well…that’s not really true. SME also have good branding strategies, but the public only gets to know the big ones, of course. Whether you are a large or a small company, you need to implement a global marketing campaign. Today, particularly we’ll be focusing on how to build your brand from … Continued

5 Best Blogs to Learn Marketing for Your Brokerage

All About Forex | Marketing

Do you usually read any digital marketing blogs? Have you recently checked any articles about how to better reach your digital audience? If your answer is no, it’s time to change those habits! We found a bunch of blogs to learn Marketing when we searched on Google, but the question is: are they brilliant and updated? Kenmore … Continued